Microfluidic Technology for Disease Detection

At MESA lab, we specialize in the design, fabrication, testing, and validation of such micro platforms. Prior to the utilization of COMSOL Multiphysics software for designing these platforms, we obtain the intrinsic dielectric property data of the particles in interest. These electrophysiological properties are unique towards each cell type and state which form the basis of our detection platforms. The performance of the device platform is validated with the obtained theoretical/numerical results and the results from other diagnostic methodologies. This lab-on-a-chip technology will ultimately yield a platform that could be applied to concentrate / enrich and/or detect / characterize any particle of interest with high selectivity and sensitivity that is minimally invasive, label-free, and less expensive compared to the current technology.

To design and optimize a microfluidic platform to separate cells, electrophysiological properties of healthy and infected cells must be experimentally determined. Healthy cells will have different properties than infected ones, causing them to move in different ways in the channel. Based on these differences and the influence of non-uniform electric field, the infected and healthy cells will be separated from each other moving into different channels and collecting into different outlets. To determine these exact properties, known samples of infected and healthy red blood cells will be subjected to a battery of tests, such as analyzing their natural movement compared to how they move under the influence of varying electric fields. AC voltage up to 20 V and frequency ranging from Hz-MHz range will be swept to observe their movements in the channel.

Qualifications Required:

  • Be able to operate a computer and other research equipment

  • Have excellent communication skills

  • Be punctual & ethical

  • Stay on task and follow BSL-2 guidelines

  • Should be able to attend this internship in-person in Morgantown, West Virginia

Hours per week:
Duration of internship:
10 weeks
Morgantown, West Virginia
To be discussed with the provider during interview process

High school students currently in grades 9-12 in the USA can apply.

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